Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Meat Free Monday Week 8

UNLV SSC member, Sam and I entered week 8 of participating in Meat Free Monday.  Last week Sam stopped by Jason’s Deli for lunch, and had an amazing sandwich so we decided to go there again this week.  We both ordered the Veggaletta Muffaleta, a vegetarian sandwich with, grilled portobello mushrooms, organic spinach, tomatoes, red and yellow bell peppers, red onions, provolone, and olive mix.  I must say, it was extremely delicious and believe it or not, I would order it over a meat sandwich any day.  Meat Free Monday has made me try things I would have NEVER tried before and I find myself really enjoying a lot more foods.  Check out Jason’s Deli vegetarian options, you’d be surprised at how tasty vegetables really are!  

Click on this link to look at Jason Deli's Menu:

Jason's Deli Veggaletta Muffaleta

Veggaletta Muffaleta - HUGE sandwich!

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