Wednesday, March 14, 2012

UNLV Sierra Student Coalition: Who We Are


We are the UNLV Sierra Student Coalition. Our mission is to spread environmental awareness and take action throughout the UNLV and greater Las Vegas community. 

We welcome anyone who has a passion for caring for the environment or may simply want to learn more. Throughout the year we provide members with volunteer opportunities, field trips, community outreach programs, and environmental education/experience in hopes to help make our world a better place.

The UNLV SSC is led by a group of dedicated individuals working together to make a difference.  2011-2012 Board members include:

President: Eddie Montejo
Vice President: Monica Garcia
Treasurer: Caryl Armour
Marketing Coordinator/Blogger: Hilary Ego
Outdoors/Outread Coordinator: Jocelyn Sporcic

The purpose of the UNLV SSC Blog is to spread environmental awareness and show how all the little things add up to one big change.  Members are involved with ongoing projects and events throughout the year and we hope to share those experiences with others.  

Please feel free to contact us at any time and for more information on how you can get involved, email Eddie Montejo at: 

Can't wait to start this adventure with you!


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